Dear Colleagues and Students,
I take the privilege of inviting you to the following expert talk by
Prof. Prasad Patnaik B.S.V.
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Department of Applied Mechanics & Biomedical Engineering
IIT Madras
CHENNAI - 600 036
TITLE: CFD based Decision Support Tools for Cerebral Circulatory Disorders
Our human circulatory system facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues in the body, through a wide variety of complaint tubes (such as, the aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, veinules etc) of various sizes and lengths. However, for various reasons, continuous supply of blood through these tubes causes a wide range of circulatory disorders such as, myocardial infarction, stroke etc. This talk will focus on the CFD based FSI tools for solving cerebral circulatory disorders such as, stenosis, aneurysms, AVM’s, MMA etc. The approach typically starts from a simple CT scan, identification of the underlying disease specific condition, hemodynamic analysis to analyze patient specific scenarios with the aid of computational simulations. This talk will present CFD backed decision support tools for the clinicians, in the context of cerebral aneurysms.
Brief Bio: Dr Prasad Patnaik BSV, is currently professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics at IIT Madras, Chennai. He specializes in Computational Fluid Dynamics. In particular, development of tools for fluid-structure-interaction (FSI) in the broad field of Fluid-Thermal systems. His group is involved in the development of tools and design solutions for control of vortex induced vibrations, rod bundle heat transfer, blast loading of structures etc. Of late, his interest has been to understand the dynamics of blood flow in the cardio-vascular, cerebral systems of interest to human physiology. He has been actively collaborating with the surgeons in developing solutions of clinical relevance.
Research Interests: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) : Development of Simulation Tools for Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI); Bio Fluid Mechanics; Heat Transfer
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