Details (Other Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/OTHER/10004
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Authors' Name : Dr. Pradip Kumar Roy   ( Assoc. Professor )
Department : Ceramic Engineering
Final Deadline for Abstract Submission for ICFCM 2024 at IIT(BHU): September 30, 2024

Greetings from IIT (BHU), Varanasi! I hope this message finds you in good health.

As you may know, 2024 marks the centenary of the Department of Ceramic Engineering at IIT (BHU), Varanasi. To commemorate this momentous occasion, the Department is organizing the International Conference on Frontiers in Ceramic Materials (ICFCM 2024) from December 16th to 18th, 2024.

This special conference offers an excellent platform for ceramists, material scientists, academicians, and industry professionals to connect and share knowledge with distinguished scientists. Participants are encouraged to contribute through oral and poster presentations on various topics.  For more details and updates, kindly visit the website.  

Please submit the abstract to participate in the conference. The final deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to September 30, 2024

Abstracts can be submitted at using the provided 'Abstract Template'.

Students can enjoy an early bird registration discount of 50% if they register by October 30, 2024

Please consider this letter as a formal invitation. We look forward to celebrating this historic milestone with you. 

Please feel free to share this information with your colleagues and students for broader outreach.

Thank You.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Pradip Kumar Roy,

Convener, ICFCM 2024, as a part of CeraShatam 2024

End Date & Time : 30-Sep-2024
Uploaded date : 17-Sep-2024