Details (Academic Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/ACAD/10076
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Name of the Candidate Mr Indrajeet (Roll No. 17011001)
Exam Type Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-voce)
Exam Date & Time 18-Oct-24 11:00 AM
Photosynthetic Production of Isoprene by Genetically Engineered Cyanobacteria



The Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-Voce) of Mr Indrajeet (17011001), School of Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), will be held as per the following schedule:


Title of the thesis: Photosynthetic Production of Isoprene by Genetically Engineered Cyanobacteria

Date: 18.10.2024 

Time: 11:00 hrs 

Mode: Online

Meeting Link:

 All the members of the Ph.D. Oral Board, DPGC, RPEC, other interested faculty members and research scholars are invited to attend



Dr. Sanjay Kumar 


Name of the SupervisorDr. Sanjay Kumar (supervisor)
Designation Assoc. Professor (Biochemical Engineering)
Mode of Exam online Venue / Url :
Uploaded date 14-Oct-24