Details (Academic Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/ACAD/10074
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Name of the Candidate Sonu (Roll No. 18151506)
Exam Type Ph.D. pre-thesis submission seminar
Exam Date & Time 15-Oct-24 15:30 PM
Stability analysis of coal roof using a New geo-mechanical classification - Coal Roof Index


Shri Sonu, Research Scholar (Roll No. 18151506) Department of Mining Engineering, will deliver his Ph.D. Pre-submission seminar as per the following details:    

Topic: Stability analysis of coal roof using a New geo-mechanical classification - Coal Roof Index

Day, Date and Time: Tuesday, 15/10/2024, 03:30 PM

Venue: M. P. Netarwala Hall. Department of Mining Engg

All the RPEC members, DPGC members, Faculty members, and PG students of the Department are requested to attend the seminar. All the interested faculty members and research scholars from other departments of IIT(BHU) are also cordially invited to attend the seminar.

 डॉ. अशोक जायसवाल (Dr. Ashok Jaiswal)

(Thesis Supervisor)

सह - प्राध्यापक (Associate Professor)
खनन् अभियांत्रिकी विभाग (Department of Mining Engineering)
भारतीय प्रौधोगिकी संस्थान (Indian Institute of Technology)
काशी हिन्दू विश्‍वविद्यालय (Banaras Hindu University)
वाराणसी, उत्तरप्रदेश -२२१००५  (Varanasi, UP 221005)
सचल दूरभाष यंत्र - 9450533473, 7080001116
Mobile No. +91 9450533473, 7080001116

Name of the SupervisorDr. Ashok Jaiswal (supervisor)
Designation Assoc. Professor (Mining Engineering)
Mode of Exam offline Venue / Url : M. P. Netarwala Hall. Department of Mining Engg
Uploaded date 14-Oct-24