Name of the Candidate Mr. Rohit Kushwaha (Roll No. 19061008) | |
Exam Type Ph.D. pre-thesis submission seminar
Exam Date & Time
19-Sep-24 16:30 PM | |
Topic Bioremediation of arsenic under different environmental conditions | |
Message The Ph. D. Open (Pre-submission) Seminar of Mr. Rohit Kushwaha (Roll Number - 19061008), Research Scholar in Civil Engineering Department, IIT (BHU) Varanasi is scheduled to be held according to the details as provided below: DAY: Thursday DATE: September 19, 2024 TIME: 04:30 P.M. onwards VENUE: Seminar Hall Civil Engineering Department
(BROAD) TOPIC: Bioremediation of arsenic under different environmental conditions
The undersigned solicits for gracious presence of all members of the RPEC, DPGC, and faculty members and students of Civil Engineering Department; faculty members and students of IIT (BHU) Varanasi as well as all others concerned during the Ph. D. Open (Pre-Submission) Seminar mentioned above.
Devendra Mohan
--------- Devendra Mohan, Ph. D. | |
Name of the SupervisorProf. Devendra Mohan (supervisor)
Designation Professor (Civil Engineering)
| |
Mode of Exam offline Venue / Url : Seminar Hall, Civil Engineering Department | |
Uploaded date 13-Sep-24 |