Details (Academic Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/ACAD/10043
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Name of the Candidate Ms. Sarita Kumari (Roll No. 19121022)
Exam Type Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-voce)
Exam Date & Time 13-Sep-24 12:30 PM
“Analysis of Discretization Methods for Time Fractional Diffusion and Diffusion–wave Equations with Weak Initial Singularity”

The Ph.D. Oral Examination (viva-voce) of Ms. Sarita Kumari (Enrolment No: 19121022), Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, IIT (BHU) is scheduled to be held as per the following details:


Topic: “Analysis of Discretization Methods for Time Fractional Diffusion and Diffusion–wave Equations with Weak Initial Singularity”  

Date:                     13.09.2024 (Friday)

Time:                    12:30 PM onwards

Online Link:


All the members of the PhD Oral Board, DPGC, faculty members and students of the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, other interested faculty members and students of the institute are invited to attend the oral examination through the above link.



Thanking you,

Rajesh Kumar Pandey


Name of the SupervisorProf. Rajesh Kumar Pandey (supervisor)
Designation Professor (Mathematical Sciences)
Mode of Exam online Venue / Url :
Uploaded date 11-Sep-24