Details (Academic Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/ACAD/10039
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Name of the Candidate Kulveer Singh (Roll No. 19051001)
Exam Type Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-voce)
Exam Date & Time 12-Sep-24 10:30 AM
Studies of Palladium Nanoparticles and their Bimetallic Composite for Electrochemical Sensing Application

Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final viva-voce) of Mr. Kulveer Singh (Roll no. 19051001), Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry IIT (BHU) Varanasi, will be held as per the following schedule:


Topic: “Studies of Palladium Nanoparticles and their Bimetallic Composite for Electrochemical Sensing Application”

Date-     12/09/2024 (Thursday)

Time -     10:30 A.M. Onwards

Venue-     F9- Seminar Hall

All the members of the RPEC, DPGC, faculty members and students of the Department of Chemistry, and other interested faculty members and students of the institute are invited to attend the seminar.

Thanks and best regards,

Dr. Manisha Malviya
Associate Professor,
Department of Chemistry
IIT (BHU) Varanasi, Varanasi 221005 U.P.,
Name of the SupervisorDr. Manisha Malviya (supervisor)
Designation Assoc. Professor (Chemistry)
Mode of Exam offline Venue / Url : F-9 Seminar Hall
Uploaded date 10-Sep-24