Details (Academic Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/ACAD/10032
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Name of the Candidate Vaishali Soni (Roll No. 18051006)
Exam Type Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-voce)
Exam Date & Time 10-Sep-24 11:00 AM
Exploration of LiCrO2 Based Superior OER Catalysts: Understanding the Role of Structural Defects and Relative Ionicity of M-O Bonds in Doped Layered Oxides

The Ph.D. Oral (Viva-Voce) Examination of Ms. Vaishali Soni (Roll No. 18051006), Research Scholar in the Department of Chemistry, IIT (BHU) will be held as per the following schedule:

Title of the Ph.D. Thesis: "Exploration of LiCrO2 Based Superior OER Catalysts: Understanding the Role of Structural Defects and Relative Ionicity of M-O Bonds in Doped Layered Oxides

Date: 10/09/2024 (Tuesday)

Time: 11:00 AM onwards

Venue: online through Google Meet

Google Meet link:

All the members of the Oral Board, RPEC, DPGC, faculty members and interested students are invited to attend using the online meet link:


Thanking you

Dr. Asha Gupta 

(Thesis Supervisor)

Assistant Professor                                                  

Department of Chemistry                    

IIT(BHU), Varanasi- 221005 

Name of the SupervisorDr. Asha Gupta (supervisor)
Designation Assistant Professor (Chemistry)
Mode of Exam online Venue / Url :
Uploaded date 03-Sep-24