Name of the Candidate Mr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh (Roll No. 15151502) | |
Exam Type Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-voce)
Exam Date & Time
02-Sep-24 15:00 PM | |
Topic Development of 1-D inversion algorithm for Geoelectrical data and application of Geoelectrical and GIS for groundwater study in Singrauli coalfield region, M.P, India | |
Message Notice of PhD Oral Examination
The Ph.D. Oral Examination/Viva-voce of Mr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh (Roll No. 15151502) Research Scholar, Department of Mining Engineering shall be held online mode as per the following schedule.
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 470-729-3165 and enter this PIN: 594 770 015#
All the Oral board members, RPEC members, DPGC members, faculty members, and interested research scholars are invited to attend the same.
All the Oral board members, RPEC, DPGC, faculty members, and students of the Department of Mining Engineering are invited to attend the seminar.
All the interested faculty members and research scholars from other departments of the Institute are also cordially invited to attend the seminar. | |
Name of the SupervisorDr. Nawal Kishore (supervisor)
Designation Assistant Professor (Mining Engineering)
| |
Mode of Exam online Venue / Url : | |
Uploaded date 31-Aug-24 |