Details (Academic Broadcast)

Ref.No : IIT(BHU)/ACAD/10009
Old Reference Number: 'N/A'
Name of the Candidate Mr. Prem Shankar Gupta (Roll No. 17021505)
Exam Type Ph.D. Oral Examination (Final Viva-voce)
Exam Date & Time 12-Aug-24 11:00 AM
Development of Polymeric Nanomedicine for Accelerating Tissue Regeneration and Biological Activity Assessment of Antimicrobial Components


The Ph.D. viva voce examination of Mr. Prem Shankar Gupta (Reg. No. 17021505), will be conducted on Ph.D. Dissertation entitled Development of Polymeric Nanomedicine for Accelerating Tissue Regeneration and Biological Activity Assessment of Antimicrobial Components

Date and time: 12th August (Monday), 2024, 11.00 AM onwards. 

Assembly room: Seminar Room, SBME

All the members of the Oral Board, RPEC members, DPGC members, interested faculty members, Students and research scholars are invited.


Dr. Pradip Paik

(Ph.D. Supervisor)

Name of the SupervisorDr. Pradip Paik (supervisor)
Designation Assoc. Professor (Biomedical Engineering)
Mode of Exam offline Venue / Url : Seminar Hall of School of Biomedical Engineering
Uploaded date 08-Aug-24